I absolutely enjoyed every minute I spent in Barcelona last week! I had a great talk with the director, Jordi Estera, who assured me of their full support in terms of my future plans! The city is full of opportunities and ESEI are going to do their best to support …
After training to be a doctor in neurobiology and studying at the University of London, Jorge Estera Sanza returned to Barcelona to run the family’s furniture production business. When that had to close, he became director of ICI for South America for eight years, before returning to Spain once more …
Carlota Estera, Director at ESEI, is making her way through Latin America; networking, exchanging ideas and learning how other educational institutions approach the field of business. At the moment, she is in Bogota, Colombia, with Daniel Morales. Daniel is a student at the prestigious University CESA (a partner of ESEI …
I’m Jasper and I’m studying the master ICT and Start-ups, I arrived in BCN in September and took the opportunity to use that time to do an internship at JAMONIFY. In this company I had the opportunity to expand their markets to Belgium and the Netherlands. I learned some …
Antonia Sidnor: Swedish second year Bachelor´s student @ESEI In the beginning Antonia didn’t know what to say. But when she started speaking we realized this was going to be our longest post on Humans of ESEI. Antonia believes that the way to success is to know yourself. As easy as …
This March and on the 23rd, Jamonify will be visiting ESEI to talk to our students about their company and how they took selling the famous Iberian ham meat to a whole new level. Jamonify have given their meat a fabulous brand which is something not very common is this …
For the past 12 month I have been completing an internship in SellByTel Group. SellByTel is an outsourcing company which cooperates with many leading multinational companies across the globe. Client list includes companies such as Apple, Google, Hewlett Packard, Mango and many more. My position was within Hewlett Packard project, …
Last October I was fortunate enough to get an internship in the Marketing department of Transforma bcn. The company is a co-working space and a platform that is designed to promote collaboration, sustainability and entrepreneurship. Transforma bcn has been launched only recently; therefore I am generally asked to help with various …
My main work at my internship in PTC encompasses the building and maintaining of direct relationships with customers and follow up with the effective delivery of PTC services to ensure the client is satisfied. I work closely with the PTC sales ecosystem trying to find and build pipelines of consulting opportunities. Furthermore …
During my studies at ESEI I worked as an International Business Development Assistant in a start up which specialized in production of Marketing POS materials. Main tasks were manly related to CRM and my responsibilities included developing potential partner profile and contacting prospects. I was also managing all international accounts …