ESEI takes a culture trip !
More and more of our students seem to be drawn towards the world of marketing, and it´s easy to see why.
It´s the perfect career for creative millenials, who are looking for jobs with creativity and fresh challenges. This is why we have partnered with Culture trip; a website with a global presence and a local focus on art, music, food, travel and, of course, culture.
Winner of the 2014 UK Website of the Year Award for Arts & Culture, and with an audience of more than 2 million monthly readers and 500,000 social media followers, this is a partnership which provides our students with a wonderful opportunity to reach out to the world.
The Culture Trip team are spending three sessions with 9 volunteers from our 1st and second-year students, and we have even welcomed some students from other barcelona Schools to take part. Each session, the students will learn something new about writing articles for websites, content marketing, social media and analytics.
But, as always in ESEI, the emphasis is clearly placed on the experience, and the students will not be consigned to the classroom. They will each write a total of 6 articles for Culture trip over the 3-month duration of the programme, and get feedack from the team on how well their article engages the readership, how to read the analytical data and how to improve their content writing skills.
Those students who successfully publish articles will be listed as official contributors to a website applauded by the Times and The Guardian for its contribution to travel and the arts.
Next month we will publish a student insight into how it is all going and where you can see their articles.
But for now, we wish them all the best of luck on their culture trip; happy writing!