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Women in Sports – Beyond the Hashtag

women in sports

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Professor Julia Roca has invited Lorraine Moalosi – Head of PR & Communications at Data Talks as a guest speaker to her class. 

Lorraine leads the community Women in Sports: Beyond the Hashtag.  She is a Marketing, Relationships, & Community Strategist helping women’s sports organizations grow financially & otherwise through mission and impact-driven approaches.

She will share her expertise on how the Women in Sports community was born, how it has grown, and how this community is all about people and building long-lasting relationships.


Don´t miss out on this unique event.

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Contact: [email protected]


This is a private event only for students of the ESEI Community. 

Start Time


22 de March de 2023

Finish Time


22 de March de 2023


ESEI Business School

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