Sunnies on, knobbly knees out and suitcase packed? Glad to hear it. Summer is here and we’ve all got the travel bug – and so has Barcelona! As one of the top tourist destinations in Europe (it gets an estimated 32 million tourists a year), it comes as no surprise …
Graduates of our Master’s in Tourism and Hospitality Management programme take their hard-earned knowledge and skills with them all over the world. Some find themselves working in tourism hotspots like Barcelona, while others head home to lesser-known destinations to help boost their local tourism and hospitality industry. We spoke to …
Tourism is one of the most fascinating areas of study for people interested in business. Not only is it one of the largest global industries, but it is multifaceted, complex, and always evolving. As disposable incomes rise and airfares get lower, international tourism sees year-on-year growth. Worldwide, tourist arrivals rose …