5 Skills Critical for your Future Career Success
Employers are now demanding their employees have a new skill set for the 21st century workplace. It’s no surprise: the way we work and the types of jobs available are changing rapidly. And this has only been accelerated by the pandemic and the range of technological innovations we’ve seen in 2020.
It’s now on you to develop and learn new skills so that you’re not left behind and stuck in the old way of doing things. Let’s go into the five skills employers will expect you to have in the future world of work.
An Entrepreneurial Mindset
If we’ve learnt anything this year, it’s that the future is a question mark. But, those with entrepreneurial mindsets see opportunity where others see uncertainty. As employers seek to grow and expand, they want their new hires to be entrepreneurial go-getters.
New businesses are continuing to emerge and the European startup sector is poised to take off in 2021. This is a clear sign the entrepreneurial spirit is alive and kicking. With these developments come new opportunities for employment, growth and new careers paths.
Having an entrepreneurial mindset also means being able to adapt and work around difficult situations. The pandemic has only underscored the need for employees with this type of resiliency.
Interested in developing these skills?
If you’re looking to develop this skill, ESEI offers a short course in Digital Entrepreneurship. It covers a range of topical areas, including Entrepreneurship: Mindset, Skills and Ideation to Business Model Innovation.
Take the course and you’ll leave with all you need to enter the workplace. More importantly, you’ll be well-equipped with an entrepreneurial mindset.
Learn more about our course in Digital Entrepreneurship.
Creativity and Design-Thinking
Creativity and design-thinking are core skills and helpful in any career. They aren’t simply about having the ability to create designs or products. Rather, these skills span a wide spectrum of activities. For instance, brainstorming new ideas, coming up with alternative business solutions and strategies, and understanding the user experience.
Being skilled in creativity and design thinking will benefit you and your future employer, no matter what career path you choose. Ultimately, being able to understand the customer, what they’re looking for and what appeals to them, allows you to better design your products and services. This is crucial for a successful businesses career in the 21st century.
Businesses value creativity and design-thinking in their workforce because these skills fuel innovation, progress and growth.
Interested in developing these skills?
We offer a short course in Marketing and Communication that includes modules in Design-thinking and Innovation and Websites and UX Design.
Learn more about our Marketing and Communication course.
Soft Skills
Soft skills are the types of skills that are non-technical. They relate to the way in which we work and include how we negotiate, interact and collaborate with colleagues. Soft skills also include creativity, critical thinking, time management skills and even our ability to build rapport with clients.
On the other hand, hard skills are typically learned in the classroom or through work experience. Think coding, speaking a foreign language, computer skills, operating machinery or graphic design.
Often overlooked in the past in favor of hard skills, soft skills are now sought after by employers. Why? Because they make employees more adaptable, flexible, and creative. Moreover, they help to create a productive work environment.
Interested in developing your soft skills?
As soft skills are not measurable, they are harder to acquire and evaluate. However, if you take a course with us, you can benefit from the project-based learning method that we employ.
Project-based learning calls on you to work closely within a team, collaborating, communicating, building relationships and problem-solving. You’ll have the opportunity to develop your soft skills, which will boost your CVs and give you an edge in your future job.
Understanding New Technologies
The 21st century has been marked by the technological revolution. Technology has affected the way we work, the types of jobs available, and is an integral part of our lives.
There’s no denying that technological disruption is fast. As such, employers expect workers to be able to adapt quickly to big changes – whether inside or outside the company (for example, think about how Amazon succeeded and how Blockbuster failed).
As we move into the future, businesses will be looking for people who can demonstrate understanding and competence with new technologies. They will need a workforce that can easily pick up and adapt to new ways of thinking and doing things.
Interested in developing your understanding of new technology?
We understand that the technology industry moves rapidly. Therefore, our aim is to ensure that you not only learn the tech skills of today, but also learn how to adapt so they are comfortable with learning the tech skills of tomorrow. Across all courses we ask students to familiarise themselves with the latest tech developments.
Innovation skills
Innovation skills prepare workers for increasingly complex working environments. These skills encompass a range of other abilities. These include; problem-solving, communication, risk assessment, and implementation skills.
During these highly unpredictable times, companies are interested in having employees who can think laterally. Yet, they also recognise that they need people who can also implement new ideas.
These types of skills are crucial to a company’s long term sustainability and success. Furthermore, they enable us to respond to problems creatively, as well as to adapt, transform and grow.
Interested in developing innovation skills?
We regularly invite a number of guest speakers to the school to give talks on topics like innovation. As a part of our community, you will have the opportunity to attend these talks. At the same time, you will be able to network with influential entrepreneurs and alumni who specialise in developing innovation skills.
Building your future career skills with ESEI
Explore the full range courses we have on offer. Whether it’s a short course or a Master’s programme, we have plenty on offer to help you develop the tools you need for the future world of work.